The latest means by the City of Las Cruces to use employees to proselytize the little children. What better way than someone wearing Christian crosses leading the children safely across the streets.
This shoulder patch is from the police department. The City was still reeling from the Millennium Scare when the civil rights lawsuit was filed against the City of Las Cruces. It was just too much for the police department to comprehend while wearing the city symbol of three Latin crosses. Apparently not enough protection.
This colorful new design represents the Resurrection as described in the Gospel of John 20. The 20-points of the sun (son) rising over the Organ Mountains with the three Latin crosses represents the story line of Calvary events.
But there is some confusion. The story reports that Jesus told the 'good' thief to come with him. That left the 'bad' thief to fend for himself as he was supposed to go elsewhere. But wait, Judge Brack ruled the crosses weren't religious. What is one to think?
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