Federal Judge Robert C. Brack ruled that these Christian crosses are not religious. Judge Brack also blocked the submission of documented evidence of the illegal, clandestine purchase using public funds and installation on public school property of these crosses.
This seven-foot circle of rusting blood-like steel is mounted on the south wall of the Las Cruces Public Schools football stadium facing Tashiro Drive. The Latin words, Unitas - Fortitudo, Excellentia, as revealed by the 'artist' Ruth Hernandez Bird, in a 'sworn' deposition represent the Greek Olympics. United, fortitude, and excellence are the translations. The code is probably: Excellence and strength from being united in Christ. Bird said the artwork represented "the community." Of course, only Christians can claim an affinity to the crosses. These crosses on a public school district stadium excludes all other non-religious and religious minorities from being a viable part of the community. Is that not the intent?
As one would expect in a Third World Country, this public school football stadium in a bizarre move is nicknamed after the popular baseball movie, 'Field of Dreams.'
The viewer will note that the circle is broken into two parts. Bird said, "Aesthetics." But notice that the upper portion of the circle is 3/12ths of the circle representing the three disciples of the inner circle of Jesus. The lower portion is 9/12ths of the circle and represents the nine disciples of the outer circle of Jesus.
The three crosses are polished stainless steel and the center cross is eight-feet tall. The adaptation of the other two crosses are an artistic means of showing the proposed events on Calvary. Note the 'good thief' is in the favored position to ascend to Heaven with Jesus as recorded in the story and the 'bad thief' is off to the side on his way elsewhere. Note the 'Jesus' cross extends beyond the earth's circle at the top and bottom as to represent the totality of the Christian domain.
On the inside and outside of the lower circle are two omega symbols in opposite positions, one is up and the other is down. If the reader can imagine the circle also representing the earth and as it turns, one of the omega symbols always points up as the turn completes.
'Artist' Bird appeared from the shadows with dubious artist credentials more in tune with farmer's markets displays, and disappeared, after allowing her name and signature to appear on the secret contract provided by the New Mexico Cultural Affairs office, Arts in Public Places. One pure fact is she received $3,500 under the table from the Las Cruces Public Schools Foundation, a 'private' group, signed by disgraced local judge, Larry Ramirez. Bird's belief that she constructed this 800-pound artwork in her garage flew out the window with the pictures of the artwork being constructed in a Tucson, Arizona, foundry.
Bird never did remember the color of her welder. The Richardson-appointee, Cultural Affairs Director Stuart Ashman, refused to act on the illegalities of his department. The New Mexico State Auditor used the previous year's audit to determine nothing was amiss with state money. The New Mexico State Attorney General's office was busy chasing Governor Richardson.
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