The City of Las Cruces has a new edition of the continuing governmental proselytizing program. The City encourages businesses and citizens to promote and display any and all versions of the Latin Trinity crosses produced by the City. The latest effort is a thinly disguised play on the old sign seen on waste baskets in various cities: "Keep your City (Park) clean."
Throughout the world over the centuries religions and cultures have used codes in writings, pictures, and signs, mainly to keep their secrets just for themselves. Las Cruces is rife with government signs with double meanings displayed by the signage seen on the streets. The Nine's I reference is the number of letters of the words that give an accurate portrayal of the true spirit of Las Cruces: lascruces, christian, prejudice, sectarian, beautiful, exclusion, etc.
The new signage reads "Keep Las Cruces Beautiful" with its ubiquitous Latin crosses where the sun should be over the mountains. Here the crosses' presentation represents 'son' as in 'son of God.' At the public Camino Real Middle School you see the above sign. The Las Cruces Public Schools winks at using the crosses and allowing them on School District properties. An insurance company on a main street is using the emblem on their median upkeep sign. The Knights of Columbus have stepped forward with an unusually large median upkeep sign advertising themselves with the emblem. The City is busy placing the signs on poles around the city, mainly near schools and other high traffic areas.
A visit to Las Cruces will show any observant visitor that the signs are a joke. The City Council and and the County Commissioners have allowed the degradation of the area by having no plan for the protection from over-building. To cover their tracks, the workers scurry about putting up more crosses.
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