Most free-thinking people know as they drive around the downtown area of Las Cruces that the Latin crosses on the tower of City Hall are there specifically to proselytize the people. A Christian beacon, if you will.
Many observers laugh at the seemingly redundant wording on the front of City Hall: City of Las Cruces City Hall. Pretty funny. Any moron knows Las Cruces is a city. But what's not realized is the influence of Spanglish - that illiterate sounding of local Spanish interspersed with English.
But here Spanglish was intentionally used to mask the intent of the message: City of Las Cruces translated in the local proselytizing Spanglish it means the 'City of the Crosses,' all the while knowing 'las cruces' means the crossroads. This comes from the attempt of the city to distance itself from its collaboration in the misdeeds of the local federal judges' illegal rulings about using public funding for religious purposes. All those known to be involved have been rewarded.
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