It's almost time for our new Centennial High School to open. A long-awaited inclusive project that would make any city and school district proud. But....with the grand opening this Fall, a seemingly overlooked problem needs to be corrected. Now is the time for the city, county, and school district to divest itself from the current street name of 'Sonoma Ranch Boulevard' (SRB) to something more appropriate for the setting. Even 'Centennial Boulevard' would be pleasing and not give the impression that it is connected to the Sonoma Ranch Empire.
The new school is about two miles from the large, ever-growing, jammed-up housing development. The Dona Ana County Commissioners were probably strong-armed to allow the road from Highway 70 to Las Alturas to be named 'SRB.' At the time, it probably appeared to be OK, it just being a line on a map in the sand dunes.. But the land from the school to the City Dump, near east Lohman, has most likely been spoken for by the 'Empire.' (A map in the Sun-News showing the disposition of the land would be good.) Any new housing or commercial development along the currently unpaved portion of the SRB, and attaching the name of Centennial High School to it, will add millions to the Sonoma Ranch Empire.
07 July 2012
05 May 2012
In-Your-Face Religious Prejudice by City of Las Cruces
If you haven't already, run out to your mailbox. The federal post office has been duped into delivering the City of Las Cruces' IN YOUR FACE CHRISTIAN PROSELYTIZING by way of the 2012 City's Reference Guide. The bright, glaring Trinity crosses should make federal Judge Robert Brack doubly proud of his insulting, illegal, prejudicial Christian-based decision, accented by the City of Las Cruces Mission Statement.
Neither the Christian front page symbols nor the statement convey any respect for the various cultures, the variety of religions and non-believers in deities, that make-up this city and its surrounding environs.
That industrialize Mission Statement dismisses the heartfelt desires and personal needs of the citizens. Cost-effective services! What a joke.
Neither the Christian front page symbols nor the statement convey any respect for the various cultures, the variety of religions and non-believers in deities, that make-up this city and its surrounding environs.
That industrialize Mission Statement dismisses the heartfelt desires and personal needs of the citizens. Cost-effective services! What a joke.
29 March 2012
Spanglish at its Best

Most free-thinking people know as they drive around the downtown area of Las Cruces that the Latin crosses on the tower of City Hall are there specifically to proselytize the people. A Christian beacon, if you will.
Many observers laugh at the seemingly redundant wording on the front of City Hall: City of Las Cruces City Hall. Pretty funny. Any moron knows Las Cruces is a city. But what's not realized is the influence of Spanglish - that illiterate sounding of local Spanish interspersed with English.
But here Spanglish was intentionally used to mask the intent of the message: City of Las Cruces translated in the local proselytizing Spanglish it means the 'City of the Crosses,' all the while knowing 'las cruces' means the crossroads. This comes from the attempt of the city to distance itself from its collaboration in the misdeeds of the local federal judges' illegal rulings about using public funding for religious purposes. All those known to be involved have been rewarded.
04 February 2012
Truth and Justice in a Federal Court
On 11 January 2012 a great senior federal Judge Ronald R. Lagueux of the First Federal District of the United States ruled that "no amount" of "history and tradition" "can cure a constitutional infraction." Judge Lagueux did his duty to the people and our Constitution. This judge did not join the religious bigots that harassed the plaintiffs. He did not join the religious bigots and make a ruling to satisfy their outrageous demands.
Judge Lagueux did not use his Catholic religion to justify a wrongheaded ruling that would have only brought shame to his court. Every court, from low to high, belongs to all the people equally, and there by should be shameless. Any judge who brings shame upon his or her court, should immediately resign.
Every citizen should read Judge Lagueux's Decision and Order. It is written in simple language and can be found, among other places, on the New York Times web site article dated 31 January 2012 under the story line of: "A Brave Stand in Rhode Island." Also, Case 1:11-cv-00138-L-DLM Document 27, Filed 1/11/12.
The cases and reasoning behind his final decision are the same that was presented to the local federal Judges Robert Brack and Lourdes Martinez, which they chose to ignore and rule for the local religious bigots.
Or contact me and I will email you a copy. It is 40-pages long - double spaced.
judicial bigotry,
judicial honor,
judicial shame
05 January 2012
Another New Mexico Lie Exposed

Shortly after that fool of a governor, Billy Richardson, appointed a coreligionist, Rhonda Faught, Deming/Las Cruces, as the NM State Engineer, she changed the NM Transportation Department's logo to represent the Christian Holy Trinity. This Trinitarian design is now seen on all Transportation Department signage and documents throughout the state. Of course, denials abound when questions arise about its religious intent. Just another in-your-face example of the religious prejudice emanating from Santa Fe.
government prejudice,
religious prejudice
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