Federal money comes with the old strings attached. Lawyers make thousands of taxpayers' dollars ensuring cities, counties and states follow the rules. Except in Las Cruces, New Mexico. The main string (rule) is one requiring all federal rules and laws be obeyed which pertains to that project the money is allocated for.
Judge Robert Brack made no law as federal judges do not have that power or authority, and basically insulted all of Christendom, or so one would suppose, when he ruled that the three Latin crosses the City of Las Cruces uses is not religious. Even his trois singes pals at the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals cannot write laws, nor the organization that wrote their ruling for them, which supported the denial of the religiosity of the crosses of Las Cruces.
The latest violations of the federal laws are seen on the new, small, 15-passenger buses the City of Las Cruces purchased with taxpayers' funds, which now exhibit the Gothic-inspired symbol titled "Keep Las Cruces Beautiful." The brochure-promoted sun replaced with the triune crosses of the Trinity surrounded with 15-points for the Gospel of John 15. Or is it the three crosses also representing the number '3' and 15-points also representing the number '15' for the Gospel of John 3:15?
This latest attempt to divide the city by promoting Christianity and excluding the religious and non-religious Others is a perfect example of the Christian hegemony maxim: "We do it because we can and we will continue to do it."
Remember: sectarian, prejudice, Christian, exclusion, Las Cruces, and even beautiful, all have the same number of letters.
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