05 April 2010

New Las Cruces City Hall Church

It was a usual morning with the usual faces for the dedication of the new city hall that is reminiscence of the large Catholic Churches in Europe. The mayor as seen behind the crosses-laden podium is wearing his church-black suit with his Latin crosses pin. All the 'dignitaries' are seated under the Latin crosses symbol, seen above, of the city that the failed federal Judge Robert Brack declared was "not religious." They all know the judge lied, but they are safe in their Christian hegemony.

It's entertaining that the pair who could be counted as the Saviors of the Crosses of Las Cruces, federal Judge Brack and his minion federal Magistrate Lourdes Martinez, were not honored guests. They were not seen anywhere. Did the City forget their shame already?

The timing of the dedication to the day following the events of Easter Sunday is noticeable.
The mayor pointed out that the last two mayors, Smith and Mattiace, were absent. What is one to think?

Off to the left was the Conquistadors contingent from the Chamber of Commerce all aglitter in their blue blazers festooned with the colorful pins of their adventurous meetings and the proud patch of yellow Latin crosses next to the profile of the Church-revered Onate, Conquistador and butcher of Native Americans, who only left his spoor on the way north, and probably during his retreat south.

Waiting on the right was the Hispano Chamber of Commerce with its three crosses proclamation to hang in the building.

Note: In the above picture of the City Council meeting room that the non-religious Latin crosses symbolizing the events at Calvary have not been installed yet. The crosses are on the podium so guests can be proselytized while listening to the speaker.

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