09 August 2008

City Government Operations - I

The City recently mailed to, apparently, all addresses with a Las Cruces address, the quarterly bi-lingual 8-page newspaper. The number of pages reminds me of the little 8-page risque comic books we hid from our parents. The name of this newspaper is the Las Cruces Community Connection. Any literate 7th grade student would readily see that the title should be the Las Cruces Community Disconnection. "Why?", you may ask. It's simple. The City of Las Cruces is prejudiced, pure and simple, toward religious minorities and those of no religion. From its TV channel to all its publications and public appearances of the City Councilmen and Councilwomen, it's all there.

It is sad for a city government to be so obsessed with its fictitious stories that portray the Apache as the villains, while promoting the 'miracles' about the naming of the city that some believe.

When the new mayor, Kenneth Miyagishima, a local businessman, was elected there were some in the city relieved that he was elected. There was some belief that we would see some improvement in the 'outreach' from City Hall to the religious minorities that help make this a city. Alas, he is presenting himself as no better than the last mayor, William Mattiace, who excelled in his social ignorance and prejudice toward minorities. Mr. Mattiace has been elevated to a high position in the Greater Las Cruces Chamber of Commerce as his reward for protecting the status quo while in office.

The current mayor wears a lapel pin that exudes a sectarian exclusivity that many in Las Cruces are proud to promote, especially using public funds and public property. In the above referenced Connection a state employee received the 'first' Mayor's Distinguished Service Award for the NM Farm and Ranch Museum for "opening its doors [Not explained.] to the firefighters who battled the recent blaze in the Organ Mountains." The plaque has a larger edition of the pin the mayor wears on his lapel. That being a blue and white edition of the ubiquitous three stacked Latin crosses surrounded by a sunburst with 15 points that represents the Gospel of John 15.

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