There had been some hope of respite among The Other religious and non-believer minorities from the decades of unashamed religious bigotry of the city of Las Cruces. That hope faded when Miyagishima introduced his decidedly Catholic mayoral plaque. Ancestral experiences of racial and religious bigotry are sometimes lost on descendants, but their own, proudly carried on.
The divinely representative center cross with the rays of white light is the same cross that the sitting judge, federal magistrate Lourdes Martinez said she couldn't see.

The other laughable followup project passed by the City Council, and approved by the state Legislature, is the vehicular license plate promoting the city-wide Christian bigotry. The additional profits from the special sales of the plate was scheduled to provide monies for proselytizing the city's youth at the Meerscheidt Recreational Center. A daily, on going, enterprise.
The interest in joining the city's promotion of religious bigotry was misjudged. After several years of sales the total is less than a thousand. The license plates are nice in that they help identify the proud bigots of their exclusive "City of the Crosses."
Now we have:
Las Cruces Sun-News. Las Cruces courtesy photo.
Any passerby will know what this sign means. The message is loud and clear: 'Christians are welcome. This is a Christian city. Non-believers don't tarry.'
The failure of the local government's in-your-face plethora of Christian symbols, caused by the meaningless monotony of the City's gothic, pagan influenced symbol of the sun, and the trinitarian crosses that evolved from the fictitious graves' crosses, has generated a new direction to make proud the evangelical purpose of the City government to promote Christianity.
Announced 09-15-2014 in the local Las Cruces Sun-News, the City Council is considering the placement of large, 20' X 40', in-your-face billboards on I-10 (East and West), I-25 (North and South), and U. S. Highway 70 (from and to Alamogordo, NM), not only to proselytize the passing travelers, the other 150,000 Mesilla Valley residents, and residents of New Mexico, but to justify the promotion of Christianity . The article revealed the head cheerleaders as Miyagishima, of course, and Mr. Udell Vigil, of the Public Information Office, the base for promoting government fundamentalism.
"It's a branding effort," said Udell Vigil. " officials want to let visitors and motorists passing through know they are welcome." Right! If you are not here to be sanctified, you are welcomed to stay long enough to spend some money and kiss the Roadrunner's arse on the way out of the city.