Judge Lagueux did not use his Catholic religion to justify a wrongheaded ruling that would have only brought shame to his court. Every court, from low to high, belongs to all the people equally, and there by should be shameless. Any judge who brings shame upon his or her court, should immediately resign.
Every citizen should read Judge Lagueux's Decision and Order. It is written in simple language and can be found, among other places, on the New York Times web site article dated 31 January 2012 under the story line of: "A Brave Stand in Rhode Island." Also, Case 1:11-cv-00138-L-DLM Document 27, Filed 1/11/12.
The cases and reasoning behind his final decision are the same that was presented to the local federal Judges Robert Brack and Lourdes Martinez, which they chose to ignore and rule for the local religious bigots.
Or contact me and I will email you a copy. It is 40-pages long - double spaced.